
Braving This New World

The societal drift away from the written word, and the resulting move towards the historical hallmarks of paganism, and what we can do to guard ourselves from this dangerous drift. We’re going to see that it’s easy to derive from the Bible that ancient paganism was--and...

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Aging Gracefully

A talk about the advanced stages of aging, not when a child advances into teenage years, although we are all aging together. We can begin to ask, how does God view the human lifespan? And how does God view, say, the last third of an average lifetime. God&rsquo...

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What Are Your Spiritual Goals for the Future? - Split 1

What Are Your Spiritual Goals for the Future?

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The Book of Life - Split-2

The Book of Life

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The Middle East in Prophecy

The Middle East in Prophecy

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It’s About the Team (PPT)

A Power Point Presentation on what are the keys to obtaining and keeping unity in the bond of peace within the Church.  Unity is something we in God’s Church are to cultivate day by day! (This unity and love among the brethren Paul spoke of is God...

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Blessings Can Come From Problems

Blessings Can Come From Problems

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Elsha’s Lessons For Today

In today's sermon I’d like to share some background of one of God’s servants, Elisha, and then just four illustrations of miracles that God performed through him, and see how we can still learn from these miracles of long ago.

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The Salt of the Earth

You are the Salt of the Earth

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The Heritage We Pass Along

It's about giving our children hope of a brighter future in God’s kingdom, and about preparing our children for that coming civilization through the guidance and training from their parents here and now.

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